Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pansy, Not Rose

For those who try to be someone you're not meant to be...:
Love the simple you, God does!

Luke 8:4-15
     My name is Pansy. My first home was on the Path of Trampled Feet and Troubles Everywhere; the busy pathway between there and somewhere else. There was never a rush hour, rather, it was a crush hour.  No nourishment or rest was to be found, it was like the skating line at Manhattan Square in December. Their feet pounded. Their mouths talked, screamed, and chattered about life’s problems and struggles. It was no place to thrive.  I hoped someone would see my nearly crushed existence and lend a shovel, spade or hand; I’d have taken any help, and thankfully did, it was the Gardener’s hands that gently moved me.
     I was carried to the empty crevices of the Rock Garden.  A beautiful place, but jumpin’ junipers, you’ve got to have dirt in those cracks in order to grow!  It wasn’t the Gardener’s fault.  He planted me in the perfect place, but the rains came, they poured and poured and poured. If I would have had more roots I might have made it, but coming from the Path of Trampled Feet and Troubles Everywhere my roots were weak and sparse. Again, I found myself in an empty place, backed into the crevice of death. You can probably guess who came to my rescue. Oh, for the gentle touch of the Gardener’s hands.
     It was when I saw Him walking me towards the Roses that my heart raced with excitement.  To be planted in the grandeur of the Rose Bed.  I will be noticed!  Oohs and aahs will be my accolades; I will be planted among the beautiful, the admired, the rich and the famous of the plant world, the Roses.
     Here is where I discovered life is not all it appears to be in the raised beds of beauty.  If I’d have know then what I know now, but, how could I?  The Gardner knew my heart well enough to know I had to work through the thorns of life’s seemingly glorious pleasures.  Those pleasures were the thorns that nearly choked the blossoms off my fragile stems.  Their beauty was more important to them than mine.  TheRoses slowly crept upon me scratching me with the reminder that they were fragrant as well as beautiful and I was no match for them. 
     I was out of my league, slowly being suffocated by sophistication and charm. I was simply Pansy, not Rose.  Once again I found myself wilting, struggling to be noticed; I hoped somehow the Gardener would rescue me from the deceptive flowers of grandeur.  When at last His gentle hands surrounded me and carefully lifted me from the thorns I quietly sobbed beseeching Him, “Please do not forsake me, my strength is gone”. He quietly whispered, “I will never abandon the work of my own hands”. 
     In His infinite wisdom He understood my now broken heart and weakened roots.  Carefully He planted me in the New Garden among the other weak, wilted and broken flowers.  Although withered from our own deceptions of life we were not dead, wounded maybe, but far from dead.  Daily we accepted the watering from His loving words and together we quietly hummed His praises, thankful for the simplicity of the New Garden.  We grew and became vital and beautiful flowers who cared little for the oohs and aahs of the visitors to The New Garden.  It was there I came to understand that this Pansy is never a pansy unless I deceive myself into believing I am something like a Rose. Never again would I covet the beauty of another, or allow life’s troubles to stunt my growth. As long as I remained in the New Garden and flourished as a Pansy I would remain vital.  It is at the hands of the Wonderful Gardner that my beauty flourishes.
     I hope I’m talking to other Pansies who have been moved from the Path Of Trampled Feet and Troubles Everywhere, to the empty crevices of the Rock Garden. to the grandeur of the Rose Bed.  Perhaps, at last, you have been planted in the beautiful soil of the New Garden too.  Simple as we are, we were never meant to thrive without the wise words and the gentle hands of our Loving Gardener. Through our travels we have learned our purpose: be humble, live simply, grow in faith and trust our Gardener, after all, we’re Pansies, not Roses!

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