Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Here is a bit of a challenge for those of you involved in kid's ministry.

As I've been developing my Sunday School curriculum I've been asking God to help me see His vision for both church development and the development of strong Christian children.  I continue to hear Him impress upon my heart the importance of joy in the journey.  He doesn't let me get far from the conviction of finding humor and laughter in life.  When I start to take life's events and circumstances too seriously He drops a scriptural nugget in front of me and makes me laugh at the humor of some aspect of that circumstance. 
Recently I was reading an interesting article regarding choosing appropriate Sunday School curriculum; once you read it you may find God inviting you to look at your churches vision, as well as your own and be challenged to expand your own genre of curriculum.  Maybe we should do a better job of thinking outside the box?